Tank is determined to hold his STAY!

Break time, play time…well deserved diversion.

Staying out of trouble at Home Depot.
Day Academy

We open at 6AM!
Day Academy students train at The Studio, in the neighborhood and enjoy off site training adventures. Day students work with our professional trainers to build reliability and an understanding of basic obedience. Three and four week programs are customized to meet individual family and dog needs.
Day Academy is the perfect training answer for busy families. We build your dog’s obedience foundation and then you reinforce what he has learned.
Handlers receive 4 private lessons and 2 passes to Graduate Drop-In School with each Academy enrollment. The lessons may be scheduled during or after the Academy session. Weekly handler tutorials are incorporated as needed. Detailed lesson plans are provided to ensure that your dog stays on track.
Day Academy Dogs arrive at The Studio between 6 and 8:30 AM by appointment Monday through Friday. Pick up is scheduled between 3 and 6 PM.

Hiking & training off site

Retail Day Training

Training STAYS at a hockey rink

Shopping spree at Day Academy. Community training and adventures.

Hiking & training off site

Banking with students
AuntieDog.com graphics and composition by Freestyle Graphics